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India vs Pakistan vs Bangaladesh vs Sri Lanka | Country comparison

Duration: 01:17Views: 252Likes: 0Date Created: Mar, 2022

Channel: YT Station

Category: Entertainment

Tags: defence budgetfleetcapitalaircraft carriernuclear weaponsflagsworld war 3pakistandestroyerindiafrigatesworld warforeign reserveshelicoptersubmarinesri lankarocket launchermissilemilitarybangaladeshasian countriesindia vs pakistanattack aircraftartillerybudgetdensityasiawaraircraftspopulationairportsindia vs sri lankaarmypakistan vs bangaladeshindia vs bangaladeshgdpfighter jetcombat tanksquality of lifepresident

Description: Amid the ongoing crisis between Asian Countries like India vs Pakistan, Disputes between India vs Bangladesh or India vs Sri Lanka or Pakistak vs Bangaladesh we are here with a comparison between all four Asian Countries in terms of their Flags, National Heads, President, Map, Army, Capital, Military, Population, Density, GDP, Airports, Missile, Budget, Defence Budget, Combat Tanks, Armoured Vehicles, Artillery, Rocket Launcher, Aircrafts, Attack aircraft, fighter jet, strategic bomber, helicopter, Fleet, aircraft carrier, destroyer, frigates, corvette, submarine, nuclear weapons

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